Anything on this page is subject to change throughout the development progress of the game. We will thoroughly test and validate any feature before it goes live.
Action buttons are the primary way that players influence the gameplay - Shoot, Pass, Steal, Specials, and move around the court. In this section, we dive into what each button does and how you can use it to dominate your competition on the hardwood!
When your team holds the ball, the Shoot button is your main tool for taking a shot at the net, and it gives you a lot of control over the game. Shooting requires strategy and skill, as you calculate the risk and reward of taking a shot. Score a bucket and earn points, but miss and risk losing possession of the rock. This is the primary skill-based mechanic in the game with a QTE (quick time event) when taking the action.
Summary: An instant action that lets the player shoot the ball
Category: Offensive
Activate: Press and release Action Bar
Key Boosts: Shooting (far shots) and Finish (Close Shots)
How it works:
The player presses and holds the Shoot button
Quick time event Action Bar appears on the screen
Arrow moves across the bar
The player tries to release the button when the arrow is in the green zone
Baller shoots the ball
Successful Action Bar results in making the shot
Failed Action Bar results in missing the gate
Remember, the opposing team can block your shot, which adds a thrilling element of risk to the game. Blocking is button-based, and depends on the position of the opposing Ballers and their Defense Boost level.
Is an opposing Baller within 2 meters of the ball's flight path (yes/no)
What is the Defense Boost of the Baller in position? Ballers with high Defense have a better chance of blocking the ball.
What is the Shooting / Finish Boost of the Baller shooting the ball? Ballers with high Shooting / Finish have an better time making a shot.
Pinned down by the defense? About to be tackled? You’d better pass the rock! A quick pass can flip the game's momentum in a heartbeat. Nail it, and you’ll set up your teammate for a legendary shot, leaving the opposition speechless. But keep your head up – every pass is a gamble. The other team is always ready to snag the ball and take control.
Summary: A lightning-fast action that lets you pass the ball to one of your teammates.
Category: Offensive
Activate: Instant action with a cooldown
Key Boost: Vision
How it works:
With one swift motion, the player hits the Pass button
The game selects the teammate to receive the pass based on where your joystick/HUD was pointing
The game checks whether an opponent Baller is in the ball's flight path and can intercept
If yes, the opponent Baller is given a chance to intercept the ball
If no, the receiver catches the ball
The Pass button is put on a brief cooldown to prevent spamming
The cooldown timer encourages players to think strategically and not rely solely on passing. After all, no one wants to be caught without the ability to pass in a crucial moment in the game, right?
Base cooldown = 2 seconds
Nothing is more exhilarating than pulling off a perfect steal to turn the tide of a game. With the Steal, players can attempt to snatch the ball away from the opposing team, and gain the upper hand.
Summary: An instant action that lets the player attempt to take the ball away from the opposing team
Category: Defensive
Activate: Instant action with a cooldown
Key Boost: Defense
How it works:
Player presses the steal button
Baller attempts to steal the ball
If successful, Baller steals the ball and gains control of it
If unsuccessful, the opposing player retains control of the ball
Stealing gives the player the chance to steal the ball. However it is not automatic, and success relies on the following conditions.
What are the positions of the Ballers?
What is the Defense Boost Baller trying to steal the ball? Ballers with high Defense are more effective at stealing the ball
What is the Vision Boost of the Baller with the ball? High Vision will help a Baller avoid getting the ball stolen from them.
The cooldown period for Steal is designed to encourage strategic play, as the player must decide when it will be most advantageous to attempt to steal the ball.
Base cooldown = 1 seconds
Anything on this page is subject to change throughout the development progress of the game. We will thoroughly test and validate any feature before it goes live.
Blocking in the STF is different to stealing, in that blocking occurs once the ball is in flight or a shot is being attempted by the opponent.
Summary: An instant action that lets the player attempt to block the ball away from the opposing team
Category: Defensive
Activate: Instant action with a cooldown
Key Boost: Defense
How it works:
The player presses the defense/steal button
Baller attempts to block the ball
If successful, Baller blocks the ball and gains control of it
If unsuccessful, the opposing player retains control of the ball
Blocking gives the player the chance to block the ball. However it is not automatic, and success relies on the following conditions.
What are the positions of the Ballers?
What is the Defense Boost Baller trying to block the ball? Ballers with high Defense are more effective at blocking the ball
What is the Vision Boost of the Baller with the ball? High Vision will help a Baller avoid getting the ball blocked from them.
The cooldown period for blocking is designed to encourage strategic play, as the player must decide when it will be most advantageous to attempt to block the ball.
Base cooldown = 1 seconds
Each player in the Strikeforce will have a special offensive ability (when they have possession of the ball) and a defensive ability (when they are defending against the opponent's attack).
Depending on the situation, different Special Abilities will be available to help an athlete evade, strike, flip, rage, and more!